Policy projects

When thinking about the process of policy-making, the Institute observed that foresight drives strategy, strategy requires reporting, and reporting in turn shapes foresight. In response to this observation, we developed three interlinking policy projects:

All three of these areas must be aligned if we want New Zealand to develop durable, robust and forward-facing public policy.

Linkages between projects

The methodology that drives our work is shaped by the need to have an integrated, whole-system approach to policy-making. We believe that policy requires equal amounts of focus on foresight, strategy and reporting. 

However, policy projects alone will not ensure that we create value; we need to delve into complex problems in order to solve them. That is the role of our research projects. On the right is how we see the connections between these two types of projects. The Institute focuses on a problem as part of one of our research projects, through the lens of one (or multiple) of our policy projects: ForesightNZ, StrategyNZ and ReportingNZ. This way we can move between the specific and the general with relative ease.