by admin | Jul 28, 2016 | Project ReportingNZ, Project StrategyNZ
On 14 July 2016, in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) the Institute hosted the one-day workshop, Strengthening strategy stewardship in the public service. The workshop aimed to explore how the New Zealand public service might better prepare and publish...
by admin | May 10, 2016 | Project StrategyNZ
The Institute’s StrategyNZ project looks at how New Zealand can improve long-term strategic thinking and strategy stewardship in central government. On July 14 we are hosting a one-day workshop which will explore how New Zealand can better prepare and publish...
by Wendy McGuinness | Oct 23, 2015 | Project StrategyNZ
On Thursday, 22 October, the McGuinness Institute launched its Report 15: Improving Strategy Stewardship in the Public Service. This event saw public servants, academics and other interested parties come together to engage with speakers as they discussed the report...
by Wendy McGuinness | Oct 19, 2015 | Project StrategyNZ
There are now only three nights until the launch of Report 15: Improving Strategy Stewardship in the Public Service. If you would like to attend the launch at 5.30pm Thursday, 22 October 2015, please RSVP to Please also share this...
by Wendy McGuinness | Feb 5, 2015 | Project CivicsNZ, Project ClimateChangeNZ, Project ForesightNZ, Project OneOceanNZ, Project PublicScienceNZ, Project ReportingNZ, Project StrategyNZ, Project TalentNZ
The team have been back at work for the last two weeks, and we have been working hard on our plans for this year. The image below sets out briefly what 2015 looks like for the Institute. You will notice there are a few upcoming events – one later this month (the...