Third Expert Lunch

Third Expert Lunch

Today we had the wonderful Jan Bieringa come in to share lunch with us. Jan started (e)-vision, a digital media centre, in Wellington in the 90s, and was also a co-founder of the 7×7 Ideas Forum. She is currently working on a feature documentary and is the...
Third Expert Lunch

7X7 – Seven Imaginations

Tuesday, 26 August saw the final evening of the 7X7 Ideas Forum. Wendy decided to use her 7 minutes to discuss a few insights she had whilst attending the World Future Conference in Washington D.C. The theme of the evening was Seven Imaginations, a perfect complement...
Third Expert Lunch

One more day.

Well it’s the last day, and I am sorry to see it come to the close. Today is what is called the Professional Members Forum, titled: Global Futures Projects: Innovations and Outcomes. Thankfully there were no more hard choices to make as the programme was set....
Third Expert Lunch


On Tuesday evening, members of the SF team attended the first of the 2008 season of the 7×7 ideas forum. Each night offers 7 speakers with 7 ideas, and 7 minutes each.  These evenings, (of which there are five in total) are working under the theme of ‘The Big Think:...