Just Transition Summit 2019

Just Transition Summit 2019

On 9 and 10 May 2019 the Institute attended the Just Transition National Summit held in Taranaki. The Summit facilitated an economy-wide opportunity to share perspectives and discuss what defining a just transition to a low emissions future looks like in New Zealand....
McGuinness Institute oral submission on the Environmental Reporting Bill 2014

Submission on the Environmental Reporting Bill

Our submission on the Environmental Reporting Bill is now available for download from our website. One of the key issues addressed in our submission was the overlapping boundaries of the environmental domains the bill defined. As our submission points out: Our concern...
Think Tanks in London

Think Tanks in London

While I was in London I had the chance to visit a number of think tanks. It was great to see how these organisations operate, and the many different ways they are publishing and expressing their ideas. On Thursday I visited Forum for the Future at their office in...